Being satying up until 2 am that past couple weeks to get some serious work done.. here is another progress pic of a painting on working on...I'm also gathering objects for my instillation...need lots of milk cartons
For my solo I have coming up in Jan 28th, I'll be doing two corner instillation. One corner I'll be creating 3 giant cupcakes along with customized cherries (I couldn't find giant cherries, but I did score a few giant apples that I can paint up as cherries) and I'll be using half of a Styrofoam 10" ball covered in plaster for the frosting and for the cup I will be using a flower pot...I was able to find a few with ridges which will go perfect, though I'm thinking about cutting off the top brim with the flourish to make it look a little more legit. I will soon be posting progress pics of those as well. I'll be doing 4 custom figures, two 8" dunnys and two 10" MAD*ls.. as you can see by the pic I sculpted frosting on the the mad*l's head I just need to sand it down a bit and sculpt a cherry to place it on top then off ti start throwing paint on those.
So new studios can be tricky... I'm still trying to figure out what feels good and the flow of things.. a couple of things I have discovered, first I really love painting on walls versus painting on an easel, just the feel of getting really close with no object between you and your piece, hopefully you get what I mean, second I like painting to movies a little more than painting to music haha not sure why, maybe it's the feel of someone else in the room? who knows... I posted a progress pic of a sea horse like creature swimming in a sea of frosting.. oil is something you really have to have patience for, so I'm working on multiple pieces to speed things up...that's probably the only thing I miss about acrylic, but the overall finish pieces is so worth it. enjoy the pics!
So here are some more pics of the Studio, got a little more situated but as you can see there is a lot more to fill and taking care of those empty walls.. looking quite sterile haha..I also got to start a new painting and gessoed some MADl's.. enjoy!
ah so today I took the day off from work so I can go sign my lease and pick up my keys to my new work spot and I gotta say everything went smooth..The studio is the old building where erector sets were created... I started moving at 10am and was done by 3pm, scooped up a sub and started to set a few things up...then it hit me haha I was tired.. going up 3 fights god only knows how many times wore me out haha.. the space is about 420 sq ft.. but looking at it I think it might be a little bigger, might measure it up tomorrow... Thinking back it's crazy how I first started paining in my bedroom two years and now I'm at the point where I need a bigger space to.. well go big... I still need a lot of shelving units, a mini fridge and maybe a futon to lounge from time to time.. it feels good to finally have a place where I can customize, sand, gesso and paint all in one room and not having to clean up afterward (kinda had to do that if you paint out of your living room haha) and just continue on the next day.. the place definitely has a cool community vibe.. I think 300+ artist? if I'm not mistaken... so I'm very interested to see who I will meet there.. the area is super close like 5 minute drive so I'm playing with the idea of getting a bike? yes a bike, whoever knows me know I have a phobia about riding bikes.. lets just say growing up I saw a lot of my friends get hit by cars while riding their bikes so that kinda messed me up hah.. well enough babbling enjoy the pics! I'll make sure to post pics of the studio once its all done..
Tomorrow the Gallery Director for Akus Gallery is coming over for a studio visit to check out the new works and to sign some documents.. haha sounds serious.. hope she digs the new work
So I just got my new business cards in and I gotta say I am happy with how they came out.. I usually would go with a very bright design, but I figured since my style is constantly evolving I wanted something a little more universal that I could use regardless of what I'm doing...The card is 80% matte black with 60% black text and a spot varnish to make things pop a little.. The back I did this half tone pattern to add a little texture to it, and with free round edges... hell why not... Though I gotta say its really hard to capture the spot varnish with a camera on the card, but you get the idea. enjoy!
And yes I did blur out the last 4 numbers to keep lurkers away haha