Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Non Custom

Sculpey Egg Head Creature
So after working on a specific wood toy.. I had the idea of working on some sweet based sculpy piece without using a custom per say... I did mention earlier that I will be shying away from customs and I am.. this will be more of a "me" thing and is the direction that I think I will be heading towards... I will make sure to post more process pics as time goes on.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Since 2007
As some of you may heard, I am now going into full transition of using my real name Yosiell Lorenzo from here on in when I am producing art... Project Detonate started off as a brand when I was creating tee shirts... once I started taking my paintings more serious I decided to clump up both my fine art and mass produced work under one name.. I feel that I no longer see this fit since my work is and will be entering a  more "mature" phase.. now this is not to say I will abandon the Project Detonate moniker.. but I will only use it when I mass produce work and when I see some sort of style that will be fit for it.. I will get into this in more detail in about a month once I figure out all the kinks... I hope everyone keeps supporting me as much as they have!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mega Detonate

So I just finished my custom Celsius for an upcoming show that will be held at the T.A.G. gallery in's based on one of my all time favorite capcom character Mega Man! It was my first time sculpting to that extent which I really enjoyed.. so with that being said I have two more customs to finish and after that I think I may be done.  I would like to get more into limited sculpt runs and I have a project that I may start on soon based on that.. we'll see how it can say I am following Brent Nolasco's footsteps and by just talking to him it made lots of sense to head in this direction...lets see what the future holds.

Friday, June 11, 2010

New Palette

Ever since I started painting I was always drawn to pastel colors and vibrant colors in general, I guess you can call it the "easter" palette?.. I posted up what I will start using from here on in for my new paintings.. it's still pastel to a certain extent, but I think I'm going more for those earthy muted tone colors... they have a real 70's warm feel to it... really excited!.. I won't stop here though, I'm sure I'll be adding some slate grays in the mix along with other neutral colors...I'm hoping to do a painting or two amongst the chaos before I head out.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Yoskay Yamamoto

Here is a trailer for Yoskay Yamamoto's upcoming solo show "Intimate Strangers". I have heard of Yoskay for awhile now, but it wasn't until recently that his work really started growing on me.. needles to say this trailer gets me excited about seeing his new show.

Yoskay Yamamoto "Intimate Strangers" from Jeremy Asher Lynch on Vimeo.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Disturbance in the Force

The crowd in full affect!
This past weekend was the opening for Disturbance in the Force show..Hope's Star Wars theme show...and the artist definitely went all out for this one.. some really solid pieces from artist all over the country... not to mention an appearance by Princess Leia, Storm Troppers and a few others.. Hope Gallery never disappoints when it comes to their shows... I was really glad to be a part of this... check out photos here of the opening night

Photos by Steve Prue of Team Rockstar Events

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Studio VS. Apartment

As the end of my lease for the studio approaches..I started making a few observations...I think I prefer painting in my apartment then going to an actual studio...One of the biggest pros about having a studio is not cleaning up afterwards so you can pick up exactly where you left off the night before... another pro is if you are really tired you can get to the studio and you automatically go into work mode (than may vary from person to person)...Painting in the apartment? well I don't have to rush to make food so that I can go into the studio at a decent time...if I'm having a sleepless night I can start painting right that instant...if I get an idea and am eager to work on it, instead of waiting for the next time I'm at the studio I can start right there (although I can always do a rough sketch, but still)

Prepping for Sweet Tooth
I know some people find it hard to get right to work when you are at home because of so many distractions... my big factors are...when I paint, I turn off my cell phone for the most part.. its me time and no one else's...I haven't had cable in about 5 years so I don't have that distraction of TV shows or movies.. the only thing really is the internet.. but that comes in handy especially when you need reference pics for a project you are working on.. so all in all in my case.. I think painting in the apartment is the way to go.. some may disagree but then again, what works for me may not work for you.. oh and the biggest PRO is saving that extra $350 a month plus not having to pay two electric bills..The studio did fulfill its purpose, which was to help me further develop my style and to focus on a huge solo show I had back in Feb.. I also did learn that I was able to afford living on my own as well which was a crucial lesson considering the adventure I'm about to embark on...other than that I feel I am done with it and at the same time I'm grateful I had the experience of having a legit studio.