Friday, July 30, 2010

Moving Sale

So as some of you may know I am moving out west to the San Francisco Bay area.. it's been something in the making for the last 3 years and this year I finally decided to act upon it and it seems like everything is falling into where does that put my art since I'm shipping only my necessities out there..well that's where this sale comes in... from now until aug 22nd, I will be having a 50% off sale at the shop.. I see it like this, I would rather have someone show my art and hang it on their walls then storing then in someone's basement for no one to see... so hit up the store and use coupon code RELOCATE and get something PD goodness...oh FYI its the last stuff I will be releasing under this moniker since I'll be using my real name to do art and keeping PD for more mass produced works.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Boiling Pot

I've been prepping up for this big move across the country so I'm trying to squeeze in as many paintings as I can...I do catch myself going back and dabbling in different styles..I'm trying transfers now as you can tell by my earlier posts...but all in all I feel like a boiling pot right now and I'm waiting for that lid to bust open and let MY style and MY voice just flow through... I know I'm reaching that point but not quite there.. and I know it's going to happen, it's just really frustrating..just gotta keep it going and idea flowing.. I know I'll get there

Monday, July 19, 2010


I found that I had a new 24x36 canvas piece so I decided to try building layers of different washes to build the far I'm into.. now just to decide what to paint on it

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Disaster in Transfer-ville

OK so I finally tried the transfer on the actual painting...haha first, don't put to much medium at least with the gel much caused a thick gloss layer to appear with the transfer sitting on top and where I added the gel medium you could see a foggy like residue..NOT GOOD! so now I need to sand the image all off, re paint the background and this time try it with the matte medium instead..looking back at my samples I noticed that the matte medium left no foggy residue behind and there was no medium build up like there was with the gel medium... will try this tomorrow again...'s a pain but I know once I get this down, things are gonna look awesome!

Gel Medium Transfer

Gel medium tranfer

As you can see from the pic above, the gel medium transfer gave me a really solid black and compared to the matte medium transfer it didn't seem to rub off as I was rubbing the paper fibers off.. The gel medium is the way to go...from here on in I will be transferring my creatures with this method versus the old graphite rub off...on top of that I can get a lot more intricate with my characters and not worry about losing detail..stoked!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Medium Transfer Experiment

The Experiment

The way I would usually go by doing a transfer in the past... I would rub graphite on the back of the image I vectored (I first start with a sketch then re draw it in illustrator) and after the wood or canvas background has been painted I then proceed to transfer the this is a really tedious process, from rubbing to drawing over it again, then redrawing it once again to make sure that all the lines are there and are dark just in case I hit it with paint by accident ugh too much so I started doing some research and I knew there just had to be a easier way to transfer my images and still get sharp crisp lines and not loose to much detail...people have recommended silk screening, but the process of a burning screen for every single painting just felt like it was to much of a headache..mad props to Buffmonster for sure! I kept doing some research and I stumbled upon medium there are many ways of doing this... out all the ways of doing transfers I tried the clear gesso technique, the matte medium technique and the third is the gel medium technique which I won't know the results until tomorrow.

The results? The matte medium worked the best, it was pretty much clean, very silk screened like... I was very surprised with the results.. the gesso? not so good, it didn't adhere to the wood that much and when I proceeded to rub off the paper the image came off as well..BOOOO!! tomorrow I will see how the gel medium works.. I hear its probably the best out of the three so we shall see.. another technique I want to try is the Caulk transfer, yes caulk! apparently you use it the same way you would use any of the above methods that were mentioned and it suppose to transfer the image right on..they mentioned elmer's squeeze and caulk but I couldn't find any at lowe's or home depot..I added pics so you can see the results... really exited to try this new method with one of my characters.. FYI I used laser copies, but I hear xerox copies work as well.

Matte Medium FTW!
The King! Hope this one is even better

Monday, July 12, 2010

New Creatures

look into my eeeyeess
I've been lately in a really woodsy feel, and I started creating these creatures they kinda walk around with blank stares on their as I was vectoring one of these creatures I did some circular dotted lines around his eyes, then by accident I clicked on one of my custom vector brushes and as I looked at the creature I really like how the eyes turned into bullseyes almost like targets and immediately I was drawn right into their eyes, almost I getting to deep? haha not sure but you will definitely see more of this going on...FYI this is for THE BEER SHOW over at lunar boy gallery in OR